Denture Don’ts: 3 Bad Habits to Avoid

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 5:37 pm
AI generated closeup of shiny dentures with a pink background

Regardless of how many teeth you have remaining, if you’ve suffered tooth loss, it’s bound to impact your daily quality of life. Simple things like smiling, speaking, and eating suddenly are much more challenging, which can lead to low self-confidence. Thankfully, your dentist can restore your ability to chew and converse more normally with dentures.

These artificial teeth are a versatile solution that can be customized to refurbish your smile. However, to continue making the most of them, it’s important to care for them appropriately. Continue reading to learn about 3 bad habits to avoid that could harm your dentures so you can keep them in excellent condition!

Bad Habit #1: Sleeping With Them in Your Mouth

It can take about a month for your tongue and other supporting muscles in your mouth to acclimate to wearing your prosthetics all day. Once they do, though, you might feel so comfortable that you forget you’re wearing them. You’re more likely to fall asleep with them still in your mouth at night, as a result.

Although it might seem safe to snooze with them in, it can put your oral health at risk. Bacteria are attracted to the foods you eat and cling in the space between your dentures and your gums and can cause disease if you never take them out to clean them. Plus, the ridges of your mouth need a break from the constant pressure of supporting your restoration. If you wear them 24/7, you could develop raw spots that can be so irritating that you can no longer comfortably put them in your mouth anymore.

Bad Habit #2: Skipping Cleanings

Even if you have no natural teeth left, you must still remove your dentures to clean them and your mouth twice daily, both morning and night. This can prevent gum disease, which can impact your jawbone or enter your bloodstream and travel to other areas in your body if it’s not addressed.

To brush your prosthetics, use a soft-bristled brush and mild dish soap because standard toothpaste can abrade them. If it’s evening, leave them in a container with cool water or a special cleaning solution to keep them moist overnight. Otherwise, feel free to rinse them off before reinserting them and continuing your day.  

Bad Habit #3: Missing Routine Appointments

If you only visit the dentist when you’ve noticed you have an oral issue, then you’re missing out on essential preventative care. You should schedule a routine checkup and cleaning every 6 months so your provider can monitor your condition to respond quickly if anything changes. For example, they may notice signs of weakening dentures or gingivitis and can repair the damage before it progresses. Not only can this preserve your smile, but it can also potentially save money by avoiding complex and costly repairs down the road.

By consistently maintaining your dentures, you can keep them in tip-top shape for years to come!

About the Practice

At Geller Dentistry, patients benefit from a husband-and-wife dental duo that offers a wide range of services under one roof. Drs. Benjamin and Gloria Garcia-Geller have 15+ years of combined experience helping people of all ages and walks of life improve their oral health. They combine a personable approach with state-of-the-art technology to enhance your comfort while increasing the accuracy of your treatment results. If you’re worried about the condition of your dentures and need an appointment, you can request one on the website or by calling (323) 467-1472.

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