Want to Experience Excellent Oral Health? Avoid These 5 Bad Habits!

August 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 2:46 pm

attractive woman smiling nice teethThere is no question whether your oral health is important to you. However, you may unknowingly be participating in activities that could be detrimental to it. For your convenience, your dentist in Hancock Park provides a list of 5 troublesome habits that need to be eradicated to experience the best oral health possible. Once you discover where the potential pitfalls are, the next step is to make the necessary changes that will benefit you well into the future!


6 Factors To Consider Before Getting Invisalign In Larchmont Village

July 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 10:56 am

Woman Putting In Clear TrayFor anyone who wants to straighten their teeth (but isn’t crazy about the idea of metal braces), Invisalign is an incredible alternative. It was developed around 20 years ago and has completely changed the field of orthodontics. Having said that, it’s important to remember that there are always considerations to think about before making a decision about any procedure. Although Invisalign in Larchmont Village has an outstanding track record of success, you still want to make sure it’s right for you! Keep reading to learn about 6 things to keep in mind before you commit.


Meet Your Dentist in 90004

June 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 4:54 pm

woman looking in dental mirrorDo you know the secret to lasting oral health? It involves more than just brushing and flossing. You also need to visit your dentist in 90004. The American Dental Association recommends you schedule a cleaning and checkup at least every 6 months. Unfortunately, one-third of adults do not maintain their visits. If you have been delaying the care you need, now is the time to find a new dentist. There are many excellent dental practices in the area but not all will meet your needs or your expectations. At Geller Dentistry, Dr. Benjamin Geller and Dr. Gloria Garcia-Geller provide the comprehensive services your smile depends on.

The Link Between Your Mouth and Overall Health Revealed By Your Dentist in Larchmont Village

May 28, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 6:17 pm

person smiling in dentist's officeYou may not think twice when you call to cancel your regular checkup and cleaning with your dentist because you don’t feel like going. The truth is, by not being on top of your oral health, you could be putting yourself at a higher risk of experiencing other health problems. Your mouth can be one of the first places that a symptom of a deadly illness appears, meaning your dentist could be the one person that stands in the way of you and early diagnosis. You can protect yourself by learning about how your mouth can affect the rest of your body. Your dentist in Larchmont Village discusses the link between your oral and overall health below. (more…)

Dentist In Hancock Park Discusses the Importance of Oral Cancer Screenings

April 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 10:44 am

Hand holding a maroon ribbonYou often hear about the importance of screening for breast, prostate, or colon cancer. While you don’t hear about oral cancer as much, these screenings are just as important. Although oral cancer is on the rise, the survival rate is 85-90% with early detection. And many people don’t realize it, but screenings are done at every checkup with a dentist in Hancock Park. Since April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, it’s a great time to read about some of the statistics for this devastating disease, what the risk factors are, and what a screening is like. It’s information that could potentially save your life!


5 Tips for Finding the Right Family Dentist in Larchmont Village!

March 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 11:06 am

family of four hugging and smilingOne of your goals for this year is to make some major dental health improvements, but a big part of the equation involves finding the right family dentist in Larchmont Village to work with. If there were some simple guidelines to follow, the process would be so much easier. Your wish is granted. Read on to get 5 tips on how to find the dentist best-suited to provide the oral care your family needs!


Children’s Dental Health Month with a Dentist in Hancock Park

February 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 8:54 pm

Young girl brushing teethAs parents, you may know that it’s important for your children to develop positive habits early on in life to set them up for a great future. The same can be said about oral healthcare! February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, which is why your dentist in Hancock Park has some tips to improve your kids’ oral health. Keep reading to learn these tips and why it’s important to help take care of your children’s smile.


Are Dental Implants in Larchmont Village the Option You’re Looking for?

January 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:13 am

cross section of dental implantDental implants in Larchmont Village are the single best approach to restoration known to modern dental science. They offer substantial advantages over other therapies such as crowns, bridges, and dentures. Implants can last 10 years to a lifetime, as long as they receive reasonable care.


What is Sleep Apnea in Hancock Park and How Can it Be Treated?

November 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 9:14 pm

woman covering ears from snoringWhen you’re unable to get the sleep you need, you can experience a host of problems because your body’s natural rhythm has been interrupted. One of the more common contributors to lost rest is sleep apnea in Hancock Park. As you read on, you’ll learn about this condition, what causes it and two of the common treatment options available.


What Does a Prosthodontist in Larchmont Village Do?

September 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgeller @ 2:04 pm

hand holding dental prosthesisMany people think of dental doctors as all being more or less the same. However, just like there are different specialties in medicine, there are also a number of specialties in dentistry that require years of extra schooling to master. Prosthodontics is a unique realm of dental medicine that requires a high level of skill, precision, scientific knowledge, and even artistry. Let’s talk more about what a prosthodontist in Larchmont Village does and how you may be able to benefit from their skills.


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